Veterinary Products

information about veterinary drugs, biologics, vaccines, devices, cell-based therapies, and other products

One of our first objectives when working with clients is to establish realistic expectations on the veterinary market.  Despite the fact that animal health is a multi-billion dollar industry, only a handful of veterinary products exceed $100MM USD in sales each year.   Clients often have misconceptions about the veterinary market, or have received advice from consultants who are not veterinarians, do not have R&D expertise, and/or have little to no experience in bringing a veterinary product to market.  Our veterinary consulting team provides advice based on real-world experience in developing and commercializing numerous veterinary products.

Animal Health Product Categories: There are various categories of veterinary and animal health products.  The categories and associated links will take you to veterinary product specific pages which contain additional information.  Woods Consulting, LLC can assist companies in veterinary product review, labeling, and determining the pathway for approval and/or commercialization.

Animal Health Market Categories: Veterinary and animal health products can also be categorized based on the intended animal health market segment.  In general, the animal health market segment can be categorized into small companion animal (canine, feline), equine, food production animal (bovine, porcine, poultry), aquaculture, and exotics.

Animal Health Product Categories

Veterinary medicine and the animal health market use many of the same drugs, biologics, devices, equipment and diagnostics used in human medicine.  However, many products developed specifically for the animal health market must undergo a formal approval process.


veterinary pharmaceuticals
Veterinary Pharmaceuticals


veterinary nutraceuticals
Veterinary Nutraceuticals

The development and regulations of animal health products are very different from approval process for humans, including the types of studies required for approval, the manufacturing process, product labeling.

Cancer vaccines

veterinary cancer vaccines
Veterinary Cancer Vaccines

Grooming aids

animal cosmetics
Animal Grooming Aids

IV Fluids

IV Fluids
Veterinary Fluids

Useful Links and Resources