Veterinary Consulting Services
Our veterinary consulting services are provided by animal health experts with decades of industry, academic, start-up and private practice experience. Our consulting team can provide comprehensive advice across a broad range of topics including:
-veterinary clinical studies and regulations
-veterinary market research and competitive analysis
-technology assessment and valuation
-business development and licensing strategy
Veterinary Clinical Studies

Our veterinary consulting services includes designing and implementing veterinary clinical studies. Like human drug development, there is a formal approval processes for licensing veterinary drugs and biologics and before starting a veterinary clinical study, it is important to understand how the investigational product will be regulated. Veterinary pharmaceuticals are regulated by the FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine whereas veterinary biologics are regulated by the USDA-Center for Veterinary Biologics. Before starting a veterinary clinical study, it is important to understand which agency has purview and their respective regulatory requirements.
- Veterinary study design
- Protocol development
- Study documentation
- Site selection and contracts
- Study implementation
- Study monitoring
- Data analysis
Veterinary Market Research & Technology Evaluation

Our veterinary consulting services provide transparency on the veterinary market and the market potential for the veterinary product or service. In addition, we can determine if there are comparative disease targets to humans which can advance both human and veterinary medicine in parallel.
We provide practical guidance on the market opportunity for biomedical innovations in veterinary medicine. Our veterinary consulting team is highly experienced in technology assessment, market research, target veterinary product profiles, distribution, and establishing the anticipated development timeline and budgets.
- Target Disease Applications
- Technology Feasibility
- Target Product Profile
- Veterinary Market Research
- Attribute Mapping
- Veterinary Competitive Analysis
- Development Timelines
- Development Budgets
- Technology Valuation
- Sales Forecasting
Business Development & Licensing Strategies

Our veterinary consultants have been involved in numerous licensing transactions, company start-ups, and the formation of strategic alliances. We can help identify the right partners and provide guidance on when to engage those partners. In addition, we have decades of experience in designing well balanced agreements, and can help in structuring licensing & distribution agreements, and other contracts associated with commercialization.
We can also assist in start-up formation, provide interim management, and create financial and technical information for investors or customers.
- Valuation and Financial Modeling
- Business Cash Flow and NPV
- Business Briefs and Plans
- Due Diligence and Licensing
- Term Sheets, Letters of Intent
- Licensing & Distribution Agreements
Veterinary Market & Business Consulting
- Go-to-Market Tactics
- Identifying Potential Strategic Partners
- Managing Negotiations
Veterinary Regulations and Submissions

Before starting any project, one of the most important aspects to understand is the regulatory pathway. Our veterinary consultants provide regulatory guidance for drugs, devices, diagnostics, and other veterinary products. We can also help clients with regulatory submissions, project management, standard operating procedures, and requirements for evaluation of veterinary investigational products.
Quick Links:
Veterinary Clinical Trials
Veterinary Regulations
- FDA-CVM- Veterinary drugs
- USDA-CVB – Veterinary biologics
- Veterinary cell-based products
- Veterinary nutraceuticals
- Investigational Product Accountability
- Veterinary Study Management
- Veterinary Study Subject Management
- Veterinary Clinical Study Site Management
- Veterinary Study Feasibility Assessments
- Veterinary Study Recruitment Plans
- Veterinary Clinical Study Monitoring Plans
- Veterinary Study Auditing and QA
Animal Health Marketing Strategy

We have extensive experience in developing veterinary marketing materials, marketing strategy, and commercialization of veterinary drugs, nutraceuticals, biologics, devices and other products. We also provide guidance on regulatory compliance of promotional materials, labels, brochures, websites, and documents.
In addition, we have over 10 years experience in website design and optimization to drive high quality traffic. We can assist clients in optimizing their website based on the target audience and disease indications.
- Animal Health Technical Papers
- White Papers and Competitive Reports
- Veterinary Marketing Brochures
- Veterinary Products Labeling Review
Our typical veterinary consulting services engagement process:
-we provide a no cost 30-minute consultation to discuss the project or anticipated needs of the client.
-if the project is already well defined, we can often present a non-binding proposal and estimate for review and consideration before entering into a consulting agreement.
-for less defined projects that will require a deeper assessment, we routinely enter into a consulting agreement then work with the client to help develop their scope of work, budget and deliverables.